Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Great Business and Technology Resource: Fresh New Blogger Brain to Pick!

Sometimes, while sifting through the congested amount of blogs on technology (ahem…this blog for example) it’s difficult to find quality, fresh, innovative information and guides to the ever growing industry. In particular, I find it very difficult to find quality information and view points on business and internet marketing. If you’re looking for a new perspective and some invaluable information, check out The BizMark Tech Blog.

BizMark Tech is owned and operated by “Deb” who’s website goal and motto is

Highlighting some interesting information on business, marketing and technology in a ‘non-technical’ manner. In other words, in basic context that everyone can understand…not so many details that the information becomes overwhelming to the regular non-technical person.

She does just this, in all the facets of internet, technology, advertising, internet business and marketing that anyone involved in the industry should stay up to date on. What I like best about her blog is that every post, within every category, realizes an ultimate goal of communicating a centralized idea, tip, tool or resource. Also, staying true to her goal of communicating in a non-technical manner that is easy to understand, she uses real world examples and possible scenarios that better serve her points.

Her entries are not fluff; they are packed to the brim with to the point internet and business trends analysis, tutorials, guides and more.

To highlight one of her latest posts, titled, “Keeping Your Brand on a Customer’s Mind.” In it, she discusses the concept of pushing your sales and client base through branding. But, instead of giving the reader mind numbing statistics and dictionary definitions, she focuses on a company she recently encountered that happened to stick strong in her mind and make a positive impression. What better way to begin to understand branding then by understanding other brands that make consumers tick?

You can check out her blog at don’t forget to go through her categories on the right, they’re packed full of more information!

Search Niche-Tech-News!
