Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Chips & Bits- Gamers Dream Resource

Pre-Order Battlefield 2142 for PC Today! --- Chips & Bits Game Store

Chips & Bits - Your Source for Games and more!

Chips & Bits is a site I came across that offers anything and everything for gamers. You can sell your old games, buy used, new or hard-to-find games, read reviews, get tutorials, learn other's tips, get game codes and communicate with others in the forum. I likes it! They offer game hardware installation advice, game hardware selling, game buying and trading. They also offer a subscription to their magazine, which covers the latest and greatest in all things GAMES! Lots of older games like TradeWars and WarGames. They have game codes and forum talk about Dragon Ball Z, you can get game keys and a lot more. They also have a huge selection for the sport video gamer. Check out the Mag

Computer Games Magazine is the PREMIER publication for gaming aficionados.

It is a magazine with a lighthearted but definitive flair. Computer Games Magazine has a tradition and reputation for quality, wit, and style. Each issue is loaded with entertaining, in-depth, and intelligent reporting on the hottest videogame products and trends, written in a breezy, yet still authoritative way.

Order your 12 issue subscription today!
CLICK HERE for a Subscription to Computer Games Magazine at ChipsBits.com!

Here's a short list of some of their newest games

Enjoy! Toodles!


Friday, October 13, 2006

Selling Electronics Online: Wholesale Resource

MegaGoods, Inc.

As an aspiring internet entrepreneur, I like to try and get in on the latest and greatest of the internet biz. I’m passionate about web design and developing but selling electronics online has become one of the fastest, easiest and honest ways to make money. Consumers looking to purchase a lap top would pay full price at Best Buy and are satisfied, mostly because they don’t know any better. But, for those who know about electronics can purchase higher quality computers, phones, hardware and software at reasonable prices, and sell them to consumers who will still be saving money!

I have one friend who makes very good living purchasing wholesale cell phones, and simply selling them on EBay. Customers are paying less than what they would at the store, and my friend is still making an incredible profit. Granted, he knows an obsene amount about cell phones and their going prices, but I guess that just comes with being involved and understanding your industry.

Some Industries that are rolling in mega money right now are:

Satellite Radio Equipment
Computer Memory
Computer Monitors
Computers in General
Cell Phones
Cell Phone Accessories

Another great aspect of selling electronics online is the nil to no overhead it will cost to start your business. There are many resources that allow you to start online stores for absolutely no cost, or very little cost. If you know your market, your market prices and the demand of quality for your product you will do very well!

Computers, Monitors, Digital Cameras and Cell phones are just a few examples of items that many consumers know very little about, and will pay outrageous prices at an electronic store just to avoid the trouble.

A great resource for purchasing electronic devices online is also #1 Auction Dropshipper and Wholesaler Mega Goods. They offer bulk purchasing and smaller amount purchasing, with amazing prices, drop shipping, online ordering and shipment details, tracking and invoices. They have every type of electronic under the sun. Sadly though, they don’t offer much in the way of Macintosh Computer Equipment, they do however have ipods at significantly lower prices than retail.

Update: Google and Youtube face copyright infringement

Google Buys Youtube

UPDATE for article:
Google's $165 Billion Purchase of YouTube.com-High Risk Investment?

Turns out, there are already some issues with YouTube's vast accessibility and possible copyright infringements. Dick Parsons, the chairman and chief executive of Time Warner has specifically stated that they are pursuing all copyright issues that were previously acknowledged and in the works before Google purchased Youtube. Apparently they already have negotiations with Youtube, not exact figures were given, but I'm sure it involves some kind of monetary percentage when it comes to viewers. Now that Google is involved, the chairman is going to kick it up a notch, the playing field just got a little dirtier. Google attracts four times the amount of viewers that Youtube does, and trust me, Youtube had some viewers! He is quoted as saying,
"We'd like to have our content displayed on these platforms, but on a basis that it respects our rights as the owner of that content."

This isn't the first set of negotiations involving Google's new partner, nor will it be the last. The grouping of these tremendously powerful internet giants is stirring up the already effervescent concoction of money, power and advertising initiatives.

Here's just one example:

Who is mad?: Doug Morris, the chief executive of Universal Music. Called Youtube and Myspace "copyright infringers"

Who's he mad at?: Rupert Murdoch of News Corp, owns Myspace

Who else?: You tube, Google owns them

So What?: Murdoch owns Myspace, who creates 60%-70% of the traffic to Youtube. Google bought Youtube, which is now causing some possible copyright issues all on it's own. Myspace's Murdoch (News Corp) wants to extend advertising deal with Google (who owns Youtube) due to their direct influence over Youtube's traffic (now owned by Google) that Google will in turn quadruple due to their already mammoth viewer ship. Pissing Doug Morris off even more! Unless, of course, he comes to some kind of contract deal with them, as many already have.


Yea, who's made revenue sharing contract deals? Huh?

  • Warner Music, agreed to allow it's music library on Youtube

  • Sony BMG

  • CBS

From a quote in "Guardian Unlimited" Google faces copyright fight over YouTube:
YouTube founder Chad Hurley has also sought to play down copyright fears. "We're committed to developing tools to identify the content and monetize it so [content owners] can have a new outlet for their content."

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Youtube.com & the UTUBE who lost his home

Heard of UTUBE before? No, silly, not the video distribution site that just sold itself to the sugar daddy of the web world. The other UTUBE. Stands for "Universal Tube and Rollerform Equipment Corp." near Toledo, Ohio. It's kind of like Youtube.com except instead of allowing people to share digital videos with each, they just sell machinery to manufacturing companies who want to make tubes. That's similar, right?

Anywho, the company is 22 years old, and ever since youtube.com became so abundantly popular,they've lost a lot of business because no one can access their website! I guess they didn't plan on millions of hits in one month; their server couldn't handle it. Apparently he can't even go on his site to add products.

He claims to be losing money, because, "The phones are dead." But, I accessed the site just fine. utube.com

Check out the article in CNN MONEY CNN MONEY

Loft Cube - Super NEAT!

Hi guys. I just found this cool little square box that urban nomad people LIVE IN! It is small, weird, techno-looking...Turns out I LOVE IT! K. So the details. Werner Aisslinger designed it to be a perfect living situation for people who go from city to city, and don't stay long. He took his inspiration from the Hippie Colonies in Colorado 1965...

The idea is, that this small (Gross living are: 2,000 sq ft) enough to be transported via freight helicopter or crane lift. You can rent this mobile square posh little puppies or you can own one. I haven't found info on whether or not the price of purchasing a cube comes with free helicopter movability. But, I can imagine that alone would get pricey.

Ok my interested (*smiles* thinks...hopefully) readers, ready for the kicker?

This cube shaped living portal pad resides mainly on the rooftops of big city buildings! The goal is that in the future many young, travelling people will own this pods in various cities, and live in their portentious (who am I kidding? I want one!) loft communities together...

Want to know some various prices? BTW, I found these searching on the web, so I'm not positive

LoftCube Price 1$3,000,000 for 2,000 square feet
Src: Inhabitat

Loft Cube Price 2$66,000 for 387 square feet
Src: Disjointed

Ok, you can google it yourself, or check out the loftcube website: http://www.loftcube.net/

Loft Cube Urban Living for you?

Boo Hoo, Yahoo, Not Fair!

"Google got Youtube, it's my turn for facebook"

Yahoo has been wooing facebook for about a month now, trying to purchase the company for a roughly $1 billion. So far, there's no luck for yahoo and they're left waiting while google goes on to build it's already massive empire. Yahoo's left tatterred and and confused after this recent transaction, and the quickness with which it followed through. Seems like they can't really get their act together to make a decision. Though they offered facebook $1 billion within the last month, they have been rumored to have offered the company multiple monetary considerations for rights, in the span of over 2 months.

Yahoo, you either want it or you don't. Can't have your cake and eat it too!

Yahoo's internet ad sales have gone down, and after the welding of the two media giants: google and youtube, I can only imagine that yahoo will flounder meagerly for a while, then drown slowly in it's own self-pity.

Yahoo needs facebook, they need a way to reach the ever expanding young internet users of today. With News Corp purchasing myspace, google bought youtube...Yahoo, if you can't play in the big boy's sand box, go waiver somewhere else-like the teeter totter? (lol...I'm corny!)

Either way, Zuckerberg (founder and Chief Executive Officer) doesn't really want to sell. So, if yahoo wants to buy they're going to have to hypnotize him with the green. The Wall Street Journal quoated Zuckerberg as saying, there was no sense in saying, "let's make a lot of money now....I can be doing this for a long time, hopefully."

What do you think the forecast is for yahoo? Is three a crowd?

I welcome comments from all points of view, contradicting, whatever! :)

Here's the link to the Wall Street Journal Article

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Graduating SUCKS

I have just recently decided that I don't want to graduate from college. NOPE! I'm not gonna do it. It's no big deal though, here's the deal-

I have PLANS! Yup! I have a great big website idea, that is sure to be a success...But, then again, don't we all? Well, I'm optimistic like that, throwing it all in at the same time. I won't tell anyone I stopped going to school, I'm just going to work, night and day, day and night, till this very awesome (still very secretive) website goes public. Anyway, that is it, I've decided.

For all of those college graduates, and college graduate hopefulls- :P

You Stink!

Top 10 Geek Business Myths Blog

Are you a Geek? Have dreams of turning your best new idea into a substantial source of income? I know I do! This is a funny, yet informative link to "Random Ramblings" blog post, on top ten Geek Business Myths--Every tech-saavy novice to expert should read! :)


Graphic T.V. Ad Campaign screams Anti-Terror!

There is an anti-war ad campaign running in Middle Eastern TV networks using digital effects and high quality graphic media. It's message is ant-terror, and it portrays it in a vivid, electric way. The government has not yet said whether or not they are backing the ad, or who is responsible for it's funding.

To view the ad on the web visit:


Google's $1.65 Billion Purchase of YouTube-High Risk investment?

Google puchased YouTube for $1.65 billion dollars very recently. Funny, because the last I heard, google wanted nothing to do with the new media, online community, video sharing digital part of the internet. They claimed that their only goal was to improve search results, and create a better portal with which to find information on the web.

Sure, Youtube is very popular right now-wait, that's an understatement. YouTube beat out MySpace in the last top 100 sites on the web, so it's pretty good. But, some say YouTube hasn't been around long enough to feel the burden of legal issues, and that much of the videos on YouTube have been previously copyrighted and are uploaded illegally. Can Google afford this kind of liability? Are they prepared for it?

Want to read two smart people discuss the issue?
Read an ever appropriate email convo script from "The WallStreet Journal" where Harvard law professor John Palfrey discusses the issue with economist Stan Liebowitz.


Google Adwords Claims Click Fraud: But, What is it?

Google settled a $90 million dollar law suite for Click Fraud. Not a bad chunk of change? Here is the link to the story:


But, what is click fraud, you may ask? Here's wikipedia's definition:

"Clíck fraud occurs in pay per clíck online advertising when a person, automated scrípt, or computer program imitates a legitimate user of a web browser clicking on an ad, for the purpose of generating an improper charge per clíck. Clíck fraud is the subject of some controversy and increasing litigation due to the advertising networks being a key beneficiary of the fraud whether they like it or not."

Basically, click fraud is very serious. Big name business's like Google, Business Week, & Expedia are going to go public with their disputes and legal matters concerning click fraud.

Companies pay mega bucks to get their ads on the web, if this form of marketing becomes a threat of fraud, or illegitimate business, no one's going to pay for it!

There's an different way of advertising that some are considering as a better source. It's called ISEDN. It offers a one time flat rate. For more info on ISEDN visit:

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

New York City has it's own Personal Blog

The New Yorke Magazine online contains all the information and archives straight from the Mag's mouth. And, for a long time, the different sections of the Magazine had their own personal blogs, discussing some of the newest headlines for the week, and voicing opinions as well. These are all available on the web at http://nymag.com, and are maintained by editors and columnists, so the info is interesting, intelligent and relevant.

But, just recently the New York magazine has created a blog for the "Intelligencer" Portion. Full of all the interesting and posh deals from the section in the magazine, and even more jam packed with opinion and witty slays and rejoices concerning theatre, music, and the life style.

Check it out at: http://nymag.com/daily/intel/2006/10/welcome_to_daily_intelligencer_1.html

Search Niche-Tech-News!
