Thursday, October 12, 2006

Loft Cube - Super NEAT!

Hi guys. I just found this cool little square box that urban nomad people LIVE IN! It is small, weird, techno-looking...Turns out I LOVE IT! K. So the details. Werner Aisslinger designed it to be a perfect living situation for people who go from city to city, and don't stay long. He took his inspiration from the Hippie Colonies in Colorado 1965...

The idea is, that this small (Gross living are: 2,000 sq ft) enough to be transported via freight helicopter or crane lift. You can rent this mobile square posh little puppies or you can own one. I haven't found info on whether or not the price of purchasing a cube comes with free helicopter movability. But, I can imagine that alone would get pricey.

Ok my interested (*smiles* thinks...hopefully) readers, ready for the kicker?

This cube shaped living portal pad resides mainly on the rooftops of big city buildings! The goal is that in the future many young, travelling people will own this pods in various cities, and live in their portentious (who am I kidding? I want one!) loft communities together...

Want to know some various prices? BTW, I found these searching on the web, so I'm not positive

LoftCube Price 1$3,000,000 for 2,000 square feet
Src: Inhabitat

Loft Cube Price 2$66,000 for 387 square feet
Src: Disjointed

Ok, you can google it yourself, or check out the loftcube website:

Loft Cube Urban Living for you?

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