Friday, May 18, 2007

Online Education: Directory, Resource and More!

There are many places to find out about online degrees and programs...Most of the time, the information and "advice" you're getting about the degree programs and educational institutions is given straight from the actual school itself! What good is that?

Deciding on a school to attend for higher education can be a tedious endeavor. Your first steps may be to ask around, consult friends and family, look to the local colleges in your area, etc. But, this method doesn't always ensure that you are going to pay for the best possible education for YOUR needs and in your budget. is a directory of educational institutions in every area and in all subject matters. From online colleges, 4 year degree programs, trade schools, vocational schools and more.

What makes directory unique?

  • Represents over 1,355 schools
  • Partners with trade schools, universities and colleges
  • Verification process to review schools and degree programs through each institution
Their database represents the educational community as a whole with information regarding high schools, homework helpers and career resources.

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