Mr. Lloyds Apple posted a really great comparis of the two companies: Netflix and Blockbuster.
You're probably curious as to why blockbuster and Netflix right? Blockbuster just recently started offering a new program very similar to netflix, some even claim better! Here's a piece of the article:
"Blockbuster Vs. Netflix: A win-win situation for consumers. Not as exciting as, say, Ali vs. Foreman, but money is now being saved. In retrospect we were simply getting ripped off by the rental companies in the 90's, just like the music industry, so let's not get too giddy.
Thankfully that the tide has turned in the movie rental business and it is now a buyers market. What does this mean? Simply, it is possible to rent multiple movies for cheap.
Here is a quick break down of the two services:"
Check it out at: Netflix Vs. Blockbuster Comparis and Advice
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Netflix Vs. Blockbuster Comparis Article
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2:00 PM