Google offers many assets to web masters, bloggers and internet users. They have an entire platform with different types of tools that can be used to track website traffic, sell ad space, post on directories, etc. Their toolbar is also an amazing asset for all web professionals as it offers immediate website ranking information, spell check, and lots of other customizable options for users.
Google Groups is a Google tool I came across just last night while playing with their vast array for performance utilities. I noticed that the Google Group Beta version has just recently come out, and that it is VERY easy to begin a Google Group. It is also free, and can be used for many different things.
I predict that the Google Group names will go fast, and just like purchasing a hot URL name, if you have interest in anything particular, from Google, to Blogging to MP3 players, you should sign up for a group and stake you real estate before someone else does!
Here are some things that the Google Groups Offer:
1. Administrative abilities--You can give other users and those who join the ability to be an administrator
2. Mass E-Mail and mailing list options
3. Tracking system
4. File Upload and Download (!!) Very cool
These are some of the uses that Google Groups could have:
1. Manage a project with multiple contributors
2. Market a website, idea, group that already exists
3. School projects
4. Group Books, contributing authors, etc.
It's kind of like a small Content Management system, with the administrative abilities and contributing abilities. But, Google will List your Group in their directory so you get automatic exposure. Also it is really easy to begin a new group and start e-mailing those who may be interested.
Sign up for the Google Groups at
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Google Groups Beta: Get Your Real Estate Now!
Posted by
10:05 AM
cms programs,
Google Groups,
Google search engines,
Market your Website